
Silvertip tetra
Silvertip tetra

silvertip tetra silvertip tetra silvertip tetra

Tetras are best kept in a densely planted tank with subdued light and an ideal temperature of 2024?C to resemble their native Amazon environment. No signs of illness yet i just found him passed out on a bush-my male st tetras are always zooming around so very rare for that. They shoal naturally in the wild and are thus happier, more brightly coloured, and more active when kept as a shoal as opposed to singly. Water change and gravel vac were done a few days ago so water is clean. Mid-level feeders, they are best kept in schools of five to eight or more, for the "shoaling" effect when they move around the tank. They tend to be timid and, because of their small size, should not be kept with large or aggressive fish who may bully or simply eat them.įish that mix well in an aquarium are other types of tetras, and other community fish that live well in an ideal Tetra water condition. The Tetra can live 10 years or more with the proper conditions. However, they will not tolerate dramatic changes to their environment. Tetras are considered easy to keep in a community aquarium of at least 20L, with a pH of 5.07.0 and KH of 1.02.0. Once settled, the males are golden in body colour. The Silvertip Tetra is named for the shimmering white/silver tips of its fins. Best kept in a school, they like plenty of open swimming space with some planted areas for security. Silvertips are an excellent community fish, peaceful, active and hardy.

Silvertip tetra